Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall Back

about halfway through the semester. the classes are in full swing. golden park is next week. can't wait. but seems that we have reached the school. . .dare I say it routine. think through your day, and you will have little trouble. because we all have our routine. a system that if deviated from, will through off our whole day. weird huh? well in my mind variety is the spice of life, and if everything is always the same, everything is always boring, except for a few exceptions. but hey i'm just one guy trying to fight the enemy that is "mundane" and "monotony." and what better whay to do so, than to have a spontaneous bowling trip. or go to a game night. or go through one of my favorite times of the year, the time in which we gain an hour of sleep (yay). which can only mean that fall is here and the trees (and figureskater's blog apparently) are changing colors. and a drive through the mountains will in itself yield extreme visual entertainment. isn't creation great? but what i'm getting at here is that even though we're in the middle of the school year each with our own personalized routine, we can all stop and take a look at Creation around us and give God the glory. which is a primary reason why I believe camping is one of the greatest things ever invented (or discovered, but who knows)