Thursday, September 29, 2005

Getting Involved

Recently I have been accused of "not getting involved." Why you might ask? I have no idea. the box lunches they're selling for 5 dollars I decided to skip (i.e. it contains a carbonated beverage that I wouldn't drink) so instead of wasting the money I just decided to make my own, apparently the biggest mistake ever. (in my defense I did buy 3 mini-buttons) but some people said I should have bought it any way to provide for the AAP but I saw this as just throwing money at the school. I think some people have gone about "getting involved" all wrong, of course buying a box lunch is getting involved in its self but just because you don't buy one does not merit 100's of fingers pointing at you saying you're not getting involved, people need to just sit back and realize the fact that not doing/buying every thing at the Acad makes you not be "involved" which this post could run parrallel to timford88's post of jumping to conclusions ( so before you point the verbal finger of shame toward someone think about it and who you're pointing at

1 comment:

Big Jigger said...

we'll lets see 1 coke probably costs more than 50 cents AND the "bag of chips" is probably original "LAYS" chips (very very salty)AND if you remember that I said that there are plenty more ways to express your spirit than just spending 5 dollars for a lunch i won't eat half of AND did I not say figure out who you're pointing at before you point because to quote Mrs. Wallace "when you point a finger theres 3 pointing back at you" examine yourself and let him who has taken every opportunity to express spirit cast the first verbal stone