Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Let's Catch Up And Then Bring On The Mustard

The ice fell and so did the tree branches on the last day of Acad exams signaling Dr. Cates to cancel school to the rejoicing of many. After the merry yells and screams of happy Acad's another sound was heard, the noise of dead, ice encrusted tree branches falling on powerlines, houses, cars, driveways, etc. We lost power the entire day until 10:12PM at which there was much rejoicing (yay.) We were much more fortunate than some seeing as some people didn't have power until the monday following. We also lost cable (cursed charter) until today at which I am celebrating with a post. I find the powerless days like those to be somewhat fun. They make you spend time with your family in candle light playing UNO or Go Fish or something. I also will have in a post (this post) that Jeeeeosh will now not be heading on to Alaska. He said he had a slim chance to stay here and apparently he nailed the bull's eye. So that's exciting and Christmas is approaching. I also just celebrated my 15th (permit time) birthday on the 20th. That is basically what it has been over in this neck 'o the woods so have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. You heard me no happy holidays no seasons greetings (by the way Happy Hannuka) ITS MERRY CHRISTMAS. If you want to be politically correct then make it a Christmaholikwanzukkah (thank you Ben Henning) but I digress. Alrighty then may all your Christmases be white and all your roads be clear. Merry Christmas!

"Men, I want you just thinking of one word all season. One word and one word only: Super Bowl."
- Bill Peterson, football coach


runnergrl23 said...

i don't think you should use ben's politically correct thing, because kwanza is not really a holiday. do you even really know what it is?

Big Jigger said...

Ben's politically correct thing is more funny than correct, and kwanza is a african american holiday invented by some guy back in the 70's or 80's I think

runnergrl23 said...

60's, i believe

runnergrl23 said...

1966, to be exact