Saturday, March 25, 2006

Bible Conference Recap

The week started out Sunday night with a good sermon on John 1 by Bauder, and ended with a good sermon on Hebrews 11 by Paisley. The week was filled with good preachers and was a bigly encouragement to me and everyone else I hope. Also sitting on the front row while Dr. Ian Paisley is bringing the Word is awesome. This was cool for me because this was the first time that I have heard Dr. Paisley, because the last time he was here I was in the Elementary School. I think that the description of "powerful" to Dr. Paisley was an understatement, especially when you sit on the front row. The Usher Crew also was a semi-disappointment, although seeing that one guy jump up and rip off his coat to reveal that orange saftey vest was quite humorous. Another thing is that we reached our "goal" of 500000 dollars, because some person whose name I cannot recall, willed the University about 300000 dollars. score! overall this BC gets a grade of A+ 120%

"If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done."
- Peter Ustinov

1 comment:

Christopher M. White said...

glad you enjoyed the bc, big jegro.

i had to miss both of bauder's sermons. but i will be purchasing a copy soon.

personal highlight
[i say that because this may not mean as much to some of you]

Ian Paisley (conclusion/second sermon on friday night):

--"are you glad you are blood-washed saints" [raucous amens]

--"are you glad Christ is coming again" [more raucous amens, a few raised hands, one hallelujah]

--"are you glad we have the infallible booook" [more amens, a few "shake that bush"-es, somone does a "glory lap"]

--"are you glad you are a FUN-DAAH-MENT-AHH-LIST" [the place comes unglued, someone started bodysurfing Dr. Wier and his minivan, a few people jumped from the balcony, dr. berg was doing the airplane, the soprano in the volunteer choir hits a high 'c', and there was some serious "board-member moshing in the audience]

that was almost as fun to type as it was to witness in person

vc (quasi-fundamentalist, in case you didn't guess)