Tuesday, December 19, 2006


it was brought to my attention by a certain person, who will remain anonymous throughout this unless this person chooses to reveal their identity, that being friendly has a big impact with people you know, and a huge impact with people you don't. I remember once I passed a guy I know and he said "hi" and I was deep in thought at that time and looked up with what he described as "this huge scowl" and he was kinda taken back by it, and I didn't even mean to do that. so just imagine what unhappiness you can cause if you put your mind to it! don't. unhappiness is bad, and therefore inversely, happiness is good (stating the obvious to make a point) and so lets say your cat just died, which for me would be a cause for celebration, but for others it would cause personal anguish. if you go around moping about it, then you will cause others to get in a bad mood also, which as previously stated is not good. I don't know how many of you have heard or sung the song Count Your Many Blessings but just think about it, your cat just died, but, you're still breathing, you still have you're family, you still have a house etc. the good will usually outweigh the bad, and if you're happy than you can pass it on to others. bad moods are contagious but good moods are too, just not as much. so as I sometimes say, the more the merrier. and the more people who are happy, than inversely, the less people who are sad (again stating the obvious to make a point) so be a friend and at the risk of sounding cliche, be happy


runnergrl23 said...

amen ;)

minor pentatonic said...

that song is pretty bad. definitely in need of a new tune.

vetteman75 said...

i think its kinda catchy

runnergrl23 said...

this wonderful post about hospitality, and all you guys can talk about is a song that was mentioned . . .

sftballchick2 said...

i agree with runnergrl. so he mentioned a song you dont like, that wasnt the point of the post.

Big Jigger said...

I was only illustrating a point, you guys lost focus pretty fast